This year we will be in Surgical Outpatients at the Royal Derby Hospital.
For those of you that do not know where that is at the Royal, you come through the main entrance, pass M&S, Costa and the Pharmacy and there is a corridor just on your left hand side – sign posted, Medical Out Patients, Clinical Measurements and Surgical Outpatients. We are the double doors at the end of the corridor. Some of the committee members will be there from 9am onwards awaiting your arrival.
All rooms available for you to use have a couch – should you need one – so you hopefully won’t have to bring your own.
We are booking ladies from 10am and the last booking will be 3:30pm.
We will have tea, coffee, juice and cakes available all day.
There are 2 cold water fountains (as I know you are all very healthy) but I hope you will try some home made cake / scones.
If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us, although we will send another email a few days prior to the day to confirm things.
As we haven’t held a therapy day for so long we are hoping that it will be well attended as in previous years.
What a relaxing evening!
@kazzastubbins on Instagram